It's time again to share some quilts The Pedal Pushers of the St. Louis Metro area of IL are sending down to the Wounded Warriors at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO.

This quilt top was donated by Susan. She had these blocks from a shop hop several years ago and never did anything with them. She decided it was time and whipped up the top to donate to the Wounded Warriors. What a great idea - it's perfect! Thanks Susan!
This quilt top was a Pedal Pushers group effort. We collect 12" blocks each month and when we have enough, we make a quilt top. It was my turn to assemble a top this time, but instead of adding sashings, I added an thin inner border and a nice big chunky outer border! Something a bit different than what we usually do - and probably a bit faster, too!
This is the fun backing that was donated by Susan for both quilts - it was an extra wide back and that's so nice to work with instead of piecing fabric together. I quilted both quilts with stars and loops (Susan's) and a large meander (mine) - and I finally got brave enough to do a deco stitch machine binding - usually I tack the back by hand!
We're always looking for more blocks/backings to add to our quilts for Wounded Warriors and Soldier Babies. If you have any orphan blocks laying around that you'd like to donate, just let me know...we'd love to work them in to our donation quilts!!!
For fun stuff happening today in the blog-o-sphere, check out the link-ups on my sidebar!