Sunday, April 27, 2014

Indentifying flowering trees

I know some of my blog followers are also avid gardeners.  Maybe you can help me identify these beautiful flowering trees in my new yard.  Please help!!!

First off, I'm pretty sure that this is a Dogwood...

But, how about this gorgeous purple one?

And this lovely white fluffy one?

And last, this pretty adorable white one?

Thanks for all of your help!  We are loving springtime in our new home.  So far, we've got these beautiful trees blooming (and one more I can't identify that already lost all of it's blooms - they only lasted for a week!!!), daffodils, and lots of hostas coming up!



  1. The purple one is a L:ilac and the first white one you hadn't identified is lilac. The last one is a fruit tree. Maybe a crab apple tree.

  2. The first one is a dogwood, and the last one is a spring snow crabapple.

  3. The first tree is a dogwood, the second tree is a red bud.
    The third tree is a lilac and the last tree is an apple( I think).

  4. The first tree is a dogwood, the second tree is a red bud.
    The third tree is a lilac and the last tree is an apple( I think).

  5. On second thought I think the fourth tree might be a cherry tree.


I love to read your comments and I'll try my best to answer any questions. Please, just let me know you've dropped by!