I'm new to the world of book reviews, in fact, this is my first blogged book commentary. With that in mind, here we go...
A Warrior's Faith, by Robert Vera, tells the story of Ryan Job, a decorated Navy SEAL blinded by sniper fire during a mission in Iraq. The author, a friend of Job's, recounts Ryan Job's resilience, sense of humor, and determination in facing the obstacles of recovery, rehabilitation, and his "new normal," resolving to live each day to it's fullest and challenging himself far beyond expectations. From SEAL training to Job's tragic death, this is the story of a real American hero who embodied the true meaning of inner strength and selfless service.
If you've seen the movie or read the book American Sniper, then you are already familiar with the sniper's bullet, on the rooftop in Ramadi, Iraq, that wounded Navy SEAL Ryan Job. A Warrior's Faith tells the rest of his story from the point of view of a family friend and confidant. Actually, that's the beginning of the book...the rest of the book tells the story of Robert Vera and, really, how he was affected by a friendship with Ryan Job. Often, I wished for the focus to shift back to Ryan Job and his story, instead of the ongoing chronicle of Vera's friendship with Ryan Job and his role as sort-of an extended family member of the Job family.
Throughout the book, Vera often compared Ryan Job to the biblical Job of the Old Testament. While many of the parallels were apparent and easy to agree with, there were several that seemed to be a stretch. At those times it felt like the author was really trying to sell the correlations by reiterating his statements time and time again (this mostly happened at the beginning of the book and smoothed out by mid-novel).
A Warrior's Faith was a quick and easy read. Through it, I felt like I got to know more about Ryan Job and the Navy SEAL brotherhood. The author provides a simple timeline, at the back of the book, that would have been a great reference tool for referral (I wish I realized it was there while I was reading). Several mentions of now familiar Navy SEALs, like Chris Kyle, from the books/movies Act of Valor and American Sniper add to the book's appeal. As an Army wife, I empathized with Ryan Job's wife, Amy, (whom he married after his redeployment). This book really appealed to my patriotism and reminded me once again of the sacrifices that our servicemen and women make for our American freedoms. All-in-all a good read.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers <http://booklookbloggers.com> book review bloggers program. They did not require me to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_03/16cfr255_03.html> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”