Thursday, February 25, 2010

Saturday at Madurodaum

The Netherlands in minature.  Since the girls are off for February break this week, we started off the weekend with a trip to Madurodaum in Schevenigen (near Den Haag) just 15 minutes or so from our home.   For me, it was a good trip to scope out all of the other places in Holland I'd like to visit.  There are a couple of museums, castles and royal park areas that looked interesting from the 1:25 scale models. 

These day trips are sometimes a little difficult on the girls - not very interesting for them - but this time we were able to keep their attention for about 2 hours, just enough time.  Larissa held the guide book and read me the captions of each building and their city locations and Kayla took charge of the camera which worked out well.  They both enjoyed putting 10 cents into machines around the park to make things move, listen to music or for small souveniers of chocolate and wooden shoes.  Afterwards, Dan rewarded them with a trip into Amsterdam for dinner at Hard Rock Cafe!

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