They could all go together, some are even the same fabric pattern in a variety of colors...
Some aren't, but they are all some type of floral pattern...
So, what to do with them? Well, that's the problem. I've never had any plan for them, therefore, they've been sitting in a ziploc baggie in the cabinet for years. Now, their number is up and these UFO blocks are going to get pieced into something! But what?
Likely, I'll donate them as a baby quilt or 2 or 3, or maybe a quilt for a veteran's surviving spouse. Oh the possibilities.... Either way, these will be something by the end of the month!
Linking up with A Lovely Year of Finishes for this UFO goal setting day. I forgot to post my goal for January, but I did get my January UFO finished (Wild Child) as well as an additional 2 (Lazy Sunday and 4-Patches & HSTs)! Oh well, linked up to ALYoF or not, they got done! Done, done!

hopping over from ALYOF, cute couple