I'm continuing to make progress on Suzn Quilts' Dresden Quilt Workshop Challenge. This week was another easy week...and...I guess I was feeling a little psychic!
Here's what happened... Some time ago, Susan gave me her blessing to teach her techniques at Jackman's Fabrics, a local quilt shop. I had a class scheduled on Tuesday, and, when I teach, I need samples and step-outs demonstrating how to create those adorable Tiny Dresdens. I had a bundle of gifted fabrics that I was ready to use and I went looking for a pattern that would work with the limited amount of yardage I had - and Dresden Ohio was the perfect fit! So....I began the initial steps for the Dresden Ohio quilt...on Monday!
Dresden Ohio block |
Then, on Wednesday (yesterday), Susan posted the direction for the next step in the quilt-along. Guess what...this week we needed to make one Dresden Ohio block! See, I am psychic!
Dresden Ohio (pattern in Dresden Quilt Workshop by Susan Marth) |
So, while working on my one Dresden Ohio block, I went ahead and finished making the entire Dresden Ohio quilt top that I had begun cutting out. Afterall, the class was Tuesday and I was ready to use those step-out samples in a project! Why leave them just sitting around?
Dresden Quilt Workshop Sampler Quilt Weeks #1-11 |
~ Heather
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