Gathering Materials for a Flower Quilt

While on a fabulous shopping trip to Korea with 3 friends, we visited a quilty friend who had this quilt hanging in her front hallway just as you come in the door to her apartment. The original pattern design is called "Springtime in Oklahoma" by Verlinda Magby printed in Quilt Sampler Magazine, 2006. All four of us were in love with this project immediately!
Later that afternoon, we went shopping in a local fabric shop. What an amazing shop it was! There were aisles and aisles of bins with pre-cut meters of fabric from every line imaginable. Every wall was lined with wide backing materials and quilter's fleece all at very reasonable prices - in fact it was a steal!
After choosing several (20-30) meters of fabrics for our own projects, we got together and searched out fabrics that we could reproduce this flower quilt with. We really went above and beyond on this mission as we came home with MUCH more than we needed for the 4 of us to each make a flower quilt top of our own!

So, now, after exactly 2 years, it's time to get on the ball and start making something from all these beautifully bright fabrics. I've got my materials for this project all pulled out of my stash. They're washed, ironed and ready to go. Now I just have to get my friends on board and we'll begin cutting and piecing this beauty together. Once the top is done, well, it may be another 2 years before if gets quilted, but at least I'll have gotten it started!
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