Chug, chug, chuggin' along on Easy Street, just kinda draggin' my feet. I've got all of my blocks pieced together now and I'm thinking that I'll be able to start piecing the flimsy on Tuesday.
I'm giving myself the rest of the weekend off. I did a lot of mindless cutting & sewing last night on the RSC13, but I'm not up to the tedious pinning this flimsy is gonna take just yet. I'm still kinda tired from being sick last week, so tonight the girls and I curled up on the couch and had a movie night. 3 movies, and none of them were good enough to mention (well...2 weren't any good), but "The Lucky One" looked like it was gonna be cute. We had to take it back to the rental desk because the disc was too scratched to play. It kept starting and stopping...and we watched it like that for about 45 minutes before giving up! Ugh!

Your Easy Street blocks look great! It will be totally worth the time spent putting it together.